Registration Policies
Registration Confirmation
Registration will be confirmed by e-mail. You'll receive a message as soon as payment has been received and your registration has been processed.
Transfers, Cancellation and Refunds
You may transfer your conference registration to another person within your organization at any time by notifying us in writing. If you must cancel, please notify the conference registrar in writing by the Early Bird deadline, August 26, 2022. You will receive a refund for the package you chose, less a $250 cancellation fee. Cancellations made after the Early Bird deadline as well as "no-shows" are liable for the full registration fee.
In the event that Visual Studio Live! San Diego is canceled by 1105 Media, Inc., registrants will receive an event credit/refund for their registration fees. Cancellations of travel reservations and hotel reservations made directly with a hotel are the responsibility of the attendee.
Hotel Cancellation
If you are unable to attend for any reason, you are responsible for canceling your own room reservations directly with the hotel at least 72 hours in advance of check-in, or you will be subject to penalties and fees by the hotel.
If you purchased the 5-Day, 4-Day, or 3-Day Hotel Package, we will cancel your registration for you upon your written request to our Conference Registrar at If your cancellation is received after the August 26 deadline, full hotel charges may apply.
Letter of Invitation / Visa Letter
If you require a letter of invitation to attend the conference, please contact our Conference Registrar at and provide the following information: Name, Company, Address, Date of Birth, Passport/ID Card Number, Passport Expiration, Country of Issue. A pdf letter will be emailed to you. We do not mail original copies.
Special Requirements
If you foresee any special requirements while attending Visual Studio Live! San Diego (dietary, access, or otherwise), please contact our Conference Registrar at, or 972.304.5380 at least one month in advance, and we'll do our best to accommodate your wishes.
COVID Health and Safety Protocols
The Staff of Visual Studio Live! is paying close attention to state and federal public health guidelines, and monitoring local caseloads. San Diego, CA currently has a LOW level of community spread. If we need to implement any Covid onsite protocols (such as wearing a mask), we’ll notify you as soon as possible.
VSLive! expects attendees, speakers, and staff to adhere to the following safety protocols:
- You must stay home if you show any symptoms of illness, or you have tested positive for COVID-19 within 5 days of the event. Please contact the conference registrar at or 949.296.9840 if you must cancel due to illness.
- Everyone attending VSLive! should take a COVID-19 home test with a negative test result before attending the event
- Consider wearing a mask if you are at increased risk for severe illness, or live with or spend time with someone at higher risk.
- VSLive! will have disposable masks and hand sanitizer available throughout the event.
- We encourage you to visit the CDC website for the latest COVID 19 guidance.
Speakers & Sessions
The speakers listed on this Website are leading professionals in their respective fields. Should a speaker be unable to attend the conference, all efforts will be made to replace him or her with one of comparable experience and qualifications.
We are constantly working on improving the quality of our conference products. If the opportunity arises we may add conference sessions and workshops to the posted line-up to enhance the schedule and provide you a better product.
Photo / Video Release & Policies
VSLive!, its contractors and attending news media may be photographing, videotaping, audio-taping or webcasting sessions and events at the Conference. By attending VSLive!, attendees acknowledge these activities and agree to allow their image to be used by Visual Studio Live! in marketing and promotional materials, on a VSLive! website, or recording. Such images may also be shared with the media. Attendees at the Conference waive all claims against VSLive! for any liability resulting from these uses.
Only officially contracted VSLive! vendors and approved working journalists will be permitted to photograph, video, and/or audio-tape sessions, workshops, and events. Individuals recording with personal video/audio equipment or other recording devices (e.g., cell phones, digital or film cameras or tape recorders) without prior permission from VSLive! may be asked to cease recording or utilizing such devices immediately.
And More…
Children under 18 years of age are not permitted to enter or attend any of the conference. No cameras or recording devices are permitted in the sessions at Visual Studio Live! San Diego without prior approval from 1105 Media, Inc.
* Please note attendees will be registered upon receipt of payment.