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Over 2,000 total attendees joined us at a Visual Studio Live! conference in 2023 from more than 900 companies in over 37 countries across a wide range of industries.
Expert Solutions for .NET Developers Visual Studio Live! is dedicated to providing real-world, practical information and training on cutting-edge techniques compatible with .NET and Visual Studio that software developers, engineers, and programmers require to solve their development challenges. As advocates, users, and purchasers of technologies used to build enterprise software applications better and faster, VSLive! attendees are the most highly qualified potential customers in the market.
About Visual Studio Live! Visual Studio Live! promotes professional development, networking, and knowledge sharing to help development professionals excel by:
Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities – Learn More By exhibiting and/or sponsoring Visual Studio Live! conferences, you will have the opportunity to enhance your branding and product positioning with some of the most influential buyers and influencers, across industries, in the market today. There are multiple exhibit and sponsor packages available, or you can build your own program based on the individual opportunities. If you have unique needs or ideas, let us know and we will work with you to customize a program that meets your marketing and business needs.