Stephanie Lemus
Global Blackbelt App Innovation/Fusion
Stephanie Lemus is an Azure Cloud Native Global Blackbelt with over 20 years at Microsoft.
In 2010, she made it her mission to join the Azure team after seeing an internal presentation called 'Windows Azure: Good, Bad and Ugly". Even though Azure was still in preview, and at the time it was more bad & ugly than good, she knew if this was successful, Azure would change the world.
During her time with on the Azure beat she's done tours of duty with various Azure businesses (HPC, Media Services, ML/AI, NoSQL Databases among others) but with her strong belief that 'everything starts and ends with an application' she always seems to find her way back to the app space.
Today she works as part of the America's App Innovation Global Blackbelt team focused on Fusion and Teams Fusion development.