Database and Analytics

W19 Implementing Data Protection and Security in SQL Server 2016


4:30pm - 5:45pm

Level: Intermediate

Steve Jones

Data Platform MVP, MCSE, BA



The data protection and security features in SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database provide a much broader level of security for your data. Many of these features have been simplified to reduce the burden on the developer. This session will examine how the new Always Encrypted feature protects communications between client and server, and how developers can easily set this up. It will also examine how Dynamic Data Masking and Row Level Security protect data from unauthorized access, eliminating the need for front end developers to handle these functions.

You will learn:

  • How Always Encrypted works and how to implement this both on the server and client sides
  • How to use Dynamic Data Masking to prevent sensitive data from being returned to client applications and what client applications can expect to receive
  • How Row Level Security automatically limits data from being returned to the client, which helps front end developers focus on their business logic without worrying about security of individual rows