Cloud Computing

W12 Lock the Doors, Secure the Valuables, and Set the Alarm


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Eric Boyd

Eric D. Boyd

Founder and CEO


Datacenter attacks and security breaches are commonplace in the news today. When considering the cloud, security, privacy, and compliance are often top concerns. And there's good reason–you don't want to be the next big news story.

Join this session and learn how to secure your Azure datacenter by reducing the exposure for attacks, locking down internal and external communications, protecting your data, and monitoring the activities within your Azure environment.

You'll get a lap around a number of Azure's capabilities including network security groups, Key Vault, VM disk encryption, SQL Database security, Azure Security Center, Next-Generation Firewalls, Web Application Firewalls, and more.

You will learn:

  • How to secure the Azure environment, network, servers, services and even your applications
  • How to encrypt and protect your data
  • How to monitor and audit your Azure environment