AI Data and Machine Learning, Workshops

M02 Workshop: SQL Server for Developers


9:00am - 6:00pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Andrew Brust

Founder and CEO

Blue Badge Insights

Leonard Lobel



Sleek Technologies, Inc.

Join us for this full-day workshop, and get up to speed on powerful SQL Server features for developers. This intensive demo-packed tour begins with the latest features added in the relational engine, including new security features such as dynamic data masking, row-level security, and always encrypted. Other innovative capabilities include "stretch" database (which lets you transparently relocate select tables in an on-premises database to an Azure SQL Database), temporal data (which allows for "time travel" to access data as it existed at any point in time), and integrated JSON support.

Then you'll look at the Big Data, analytics, and machine learning capabilities of SQL Server and the Microsoft data stack. You'll see how columnstore indexes can make a huge difference in your data warehouse-style queries, how SQL Server Machine Learning Services lets you run R and Python Code in SQL Server, and how the new PREDICT function in T-SQL lets you score SQL Server data against machine learning models. You'll learn about Apache Hadoop, HDInsight, and the PolyBase technology in SQL Server that lets you query Hadoop using T-SQL.

This workshop also covers basic data warehouse concepts, the fundamentals of Power BI and SQL Server Analysis Services, as well as how to use Reporting Services against Analysis Services models and with visualizations created with R. You'll catch up at a high level on the capabilities of components like Integration Services, Master Data Services, Data Quality Services, and Analytics Platform System (APS).

To wrap up, you'll examine the "beyond relational" features that will get you thinking outside the box with respect to the types of data that can be managed by a relational database system. Learn how to use the hierarchyid data type to cast a hierarchical structure over any relational table. Dig into FILESTREAM and FileTable and learn how you can finally enjoy the native ability to store large binary objects in the file system transparently, and with full transactional capabilities. The geospatial data types help you integrate location-intelligence into the database, and we'll finish up by building several location-aware applications on top of these new data types.

You will learn:

  • The latest new features in the relational database engine
  • Big Data technology, and SQL Server's integration with it
  • The ins and outs of doing machine learning with T-SQL, R and Python
  • About unstructured data storage, including native file streaming, and the hierarchical and geospatial data types