Web Server, Workshops

F01 Workshop: Data-Centric Single Page Apps with Angular 2, Breeze, and Web API


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Brian Noyes

CTO and Co-founder


You need to build an HTML client app either as a browser app or to package as a hybrid mobile app, and there is a lot of data presentation and manipulation involved. You may be fully embracing the Single Page Application (SPA) architecture. Or you may just have some highly interactive and data-centric pages you need to implement. You want to make sure you end up with good, clean, maintainable, testable, and easy to implement client and server side code.

This workshop will take you end-to-end, showing you how to put together a rich data-driven HTML client interface using Angular 2 to separate the UI data manipulation, separate the markup and logic, and navigate between views. You'll see how to use Breeze to do the heavy lifting on making the service calls for you, tracking changes on the entities, sending changes to the server side in batches, and more. Then you'll also see how to set up the server side using ASP.NET Web API to expose the services consumed by your client. By the end of the day, you will know how to build out the vertical slices of your app from top to bottom.

You will learn:

  • How to use Angular 2 for structuring your client code with the MVC pattern, dependency injection, navigation and data binding
  • How to manage rich data on the client side with BreezeJS
  • How to implement CRUD-oriented services to support mobile apps with ASP.NET Web API