Windows Client

TH16 Extending XAML to Overcome Pretty Much any Limitation


2:15pm - 3:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Miguel Castro

Miguel Castro



Melvicorp LLC

One of the things I've always said about WPF is that there is nothing I can't do in an application. When Microsoft set out to design WPF, Silverlight, and now WinRT XAML Apps, they architected it in a way that if you come across anything that they didn't think of, you can extend the platform yourself. In this session I'll show you how to develop value converters, two types of behaviors, and your own markup extensions. Behaviors are elements that you set to something in order to add characteristics and functionality to XAML, while markup extensions are what you set properties to. The {Binding} markup extension is one that Microsoft provided for you, now come learn how to write your own, and then some.

You will learn:

  • XAML extensibility capabilities
  • Insight into XAML internals
  • Proper usage of various techniques