.NET Core and More

T04 Unit Testing Makes Me Faster: Convincing Your Boss, Your Co-Workers, and Yourself


8:00am - 9:15am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Jeremy Clark

Developer Educator


Bosses hate unit testing. They see it as code that doesn't contribute to the final product. And maybe you see testing that way, too. But here's the truth: unit testing makes us faster. We'll look at specific examples of how unit tests save time in the development process by letting us code more confidently, catch bugs earlier, and minimize manual testing. With this in hand, we can show our boss (and ourselves) how unit testing makes us faster.

You will learn:

  • Increase confidence and reduce manual testing with automated unit tests. Result: Go faster.
  • Catch bugs early in the development life-cycle with automated unit tests. Result: Go faster.
  • Reduce the number of regression bugs when changing existing code. Result: Go faster.