Database and Analytics

TH12 Introduction to Machine Learning with R


11:00am - 12:15pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Raj Krishnan

Technology Architect


Based on the April 2017 TIOBE rating, R is one of the top 15 programming languages and continues to grow. It is among the top 3 languages used in Data Science. In this session we will review some of the basic statistical concepts before we introduce R for data analysis. We will discuss the fundamental concepts needed to work with R and use IDE to work with R commands. We will demonstrate the use of R for data analysis using publicly available data. A demonstration of R tools for Visual Studio and use of Microsoft R server will be part of this presentation.

You will learn:

  • A basic understanding of Machine Learning with R as the language
  • How to use the tools to build models to predict outcome based on data observations
  • How to leverage cloud for R projects