Web Server

W09 Richer MVC Sites with Knockout JS


1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Intermediate

Miguel Castro

Miguel Castro



Melvicorp LLC

What? No Angular? Nope, not this time. Knockout is still awesome. It's awesome because it's simple. It's awesome because it does one thing, MVVM, and does it real well. Sometimes this is all you need. Yes, if you want to write a SPA-based application from scratch, Angular is the way to go. But if you want to leverage your existing ASP MVC skills, but make things easier for you as a dev and richer in the UI for your users, integrating MVVM binding into CSHTML views is easy and fun with Knockout JS. You'll learn how to integrate Knockout into existing or new MVC apps and how to lay things out so your code is readable and maintainable. You'll also practice some cool techniques for some common challenges. Sometimes you don't need a sledgehammer, just a really good fly swatter.

You'll learn:

  • How to use MVVM on MVC CSHTML web pages
  • Setting up design and conventions for integrating Knockout and MVC
  • Recommendations for solving common problems