Web development has become the dominant approach for building enterprise software. To provide your best on every project, you need to understand the server and browser client worlds. On the server, there’s ASP.NET using .NET 6 with MVC, Razor Pages, and support for building services. The browser client is evolving rapidly, with constant changes and updates to JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, and other related frameworks. But more than this, there’s now Blazor Server and Blazor Client (aka WebAssembly) and the ability to run other languages natively in the browser. Your need to keep up to date with all these technologies has never been greater, and we’re here to give you the knowledge you need!
Topics in this track include:
- Deep Dive on Blazor
- Versioning ASP.NET Core APIs
- Beyond the Basics with TypeScript
- Develop and ASP.NET Core App with EF Core
- Build Websites with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
- Building Enterprise Blazor Apps using CSLA .NET
- Building Progressive Web Apps (PWA) using Angular