Native Client

TH18 Add a Conversational User Interface to Your App with the Microsoft Bot Framework


3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Walt Ritscher

Senior Staff Instructor

LinkedIn Learning / Lynda

Chatbots, or conversational interfaces as they are also called, present a natural way for people to interact with applications and OS's. You're probably familiar with popular voice chatbots, like Alexa, Cortana, and Siri. Bots are also worth investigating for text based systems. To simulate a conversation with a human, a bot relies on powerful innovations in natural language processing (NLP). Combine the bot with AI and Machine Learning and you get an unbeatable system that can interact with customers in a natural way. This session will demonstrate why conversation interfaces are an important addition to your application or API. You'll learn about the Microsoft bot infrastructure, how to write your own bot, integrate with NLP, and learn how to manage conversation state so that your bot understands conversation context.

You will learn:

  • How to build and deploy a bot
  • To work with conversation state
  • How to leverage the Language Understanding Intelligence Service (LUIS) to add Natural Language Processing to your chatbot